
This card reader is the BBPOS Chipper 2X BT. This device is Bluetooth enabled, EMV compliant, and also works with magstripe technology. Now you can swipe, insert or use NFC (near field communication). With NFC and close proximity payments, you can now accept new forms of payment such as: Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, VISA Paywave, MasterCard PayPass, AMEX ExpressPay and Discover D-PAS.

  • Currency is not supported in a specific country

    You may have landed here due to seeing an error such as: The card_present source type with currency CAD is not supported in US. Unfortunately, Stripe Connect accounts will only be able to process card present charges in their local currency. For example...

  • What is the BBPOS Chipper 2X BT card reader battery life?

    A single charge of the BBPOS Chipper 2X BT battery can support 800 EMV transactions, 5000 magnetic card swipe transactions, or 1000 EMV contactless transactions.   Source:

  • Do you offer a card reader for non-US users?

    The Verifone P400 is the Stripe Terminal card reader that is for Canadian users. This card really only works with the iOS app, and requires additional steps to configure the card reader before it can be used. You can purchase this card reader at: https:...

  • My card reader says I'm in TESTMODE ONLY, how do I fix this?

    The following error, means your Stripe account isn't quite setup to allow for EMV/card present transactions yet. The card_present source type can only be used in testmode As Stripe is rolls out new features, they typically have them turned *OFF* to star...

  • What is an "unrecognized swipe data" error?

    It looks like you're using an older card reader, the Magtek iDynamo. We'd strongly encourage you to upgrade that reader to the BBPOS Chipper 2X BT. It looks like the card reader is being a little finicky. Make sure to hold the card and phone firmly, and...

  • Do you offer expedited shipping on card reader orders?

    We have two options for expedited shipping that may interest you. All you need to do is respond to this email with the selection you would prefer: Priority MailThis is a 1-3 day shipping service. This service is available for $7. Priority Mail ExpressTh...

  • What is the return policy for card readers?

    We're sorry you'd like to return your card reader. We wish it would have worked out for you! As mentioned when you purchased the card reader in our return policy,, your return is subject to a 20% restocking fee (whi...

  • Is there a special rate for using a card reader?

    YES! The Payment for Stripe app collects a 1% transaction fee on top of your base Stripe fees for your country. In the U.S., those fees are 2.7% + 5c per transaction (when using the card reader). For example, the fee breakdown would be as follows: $100 ...

  • Do you support any additional card readers?

    Not all card readers are created equal, nor are they compatible with the Payment app. If you did not order the card reader via directly from the Stripe Hardware Shop), it will not work with the app. When ordering th...

  • Order a Stripe Terminal Card Reader

    You can order a card reader via: This card reader will work with our iOS and Android apps. This card reader is the BBPOS Chipper 2X BT. This device is Bluetooth enabled, EMV compliant, and also works with magstripe te...