Enabling WeChat Pay or Alipay in your Stripe Dashboard

  • Updated

It's incredibly easy to begin taking payments using WeChat Pay or Alipay with the Payment for Stripe app. Since the app will support these payment methods with minimal setup, you'll only need to complete two simple steps:

  1. Enable the payment methods in your Stripe Dashboard
  2. Enable the payment buttons in the Payment for Stripe app

Enabling WeChat Pay & Alipay in your Stripe Dashboard

To ensure that your account has the ability to accept QR-code based payments, you will need to first visit the Settings > Payment Methods section in your Stripe Dashboard. From there, you will see options for both Alipay and WeChat Pay as "Deactivated". 




By pressing the `Activate` button, you will have enabled this integration for your Stripe account. This is required BEFORE using the payment method type in the Payment for Stripe app.



That's it! You're good on the Stripe side of things.


Enabling WeChat Pay & Alipay payments in the Payment for Stripe app

Make sure you are using the latest version of the Payment for Stripe iOS app, and open the menu. Choose `Default features & settings` under the `Customize` section.



From there, you can toggle on the menu option for: Accept WeChat Pay and Alipay`



And that's it! Now when you enter an amount, you'll see buttons for collecting a payment with WeChat Pay or Alipay.



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