Adding gratuity or tips

  • Updated

Tipping and adding gratuity is easy with Payment for Stripe. It happens after the initial charge, and is calculated based on percentages from the charge amount (excluding tax). We have some plans to add custom amounts in the future, but for now, options are: 10%, 15%, 17% (most common) and 20% calculated on the pre-tax amount.


On-device tipping is supported for the BBPOS WisePad 3 and BBPOS WisePOS E card readers.


Stripe and application fees apply.


For manual charging without a card reader, ensure you enable tipping in the User menu > Features:

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro - 2024-06-13 at 14.10.41.png

Then, go ahead and create your charge:

Simulator Screenshot - iPhone 15 Pro - 2024-06-13 at 14.11.34.png


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